Article: Shareholders vs. Stakeholders
A fiduciary standard means an advisor should be putting the financial returns of the families they represent as the primary factor in their investment selections. Strive is one of many investment providers we have screened and puts together well researched articles that we endorse and are in alignment with. This article lays out the creeping problem that has compromised this standard, how it happened, and how to fix it.
Letter: Chinese Communist Party: A rising threat to the American economy.
The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a bipartisan effort in congress to address what is clearly a rising threat to the Amercian economy and our security. This recent committee letter lays out just one of the many challenges that we face; American families’ (mostly unwittingly) savings and investments are powering the rise of the CCP through the portfolios of intuitional managers who are not screening for geopolitical risk, alignment with western democracies and values
Podcast: Strategic challenges posted by the CCP
This excellent channel and podcast cover the growing challenges posed by the rise of the CCP and the increasing assertiveness it is displaying in the IndoPacific. Looking at from multiple angles and vies and bringing together experts in their field, this is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the strategic challenges the CCP presents.
Website: Tony Stark (No, not that one)
Tony Stark, (and no, not the Tony Stark you’re probably thinking) is one of the best thinkers we have on how to confront the growing challenge posed by our greatest strategic competitor. More focused on the military aspect of this challenge, Tony is also very good at providing analysis on the political developments and what the potential impacts can be. He is however more focused on how confrontation could potentially look in the future and if this interests you, would recommend signing up for his newsletter at the very least.